I'm trying to compare two dictionaries, the program is written in C# Visual Studio 2010.
Dictionary<int, string> members1 = new Dictionaries<int, string>{
{1, "adam"},
{2, "bob"},
{3, "cameron"}
Dictionary<int, string> members2 = new Dictionaries<int, string>{
{1, "adam"},
{2, "bill"},
{4, "dave"}
I would like to find the same id (key), and it doesn't matter if the name (value) is the same or not.
I've been searching and found Intersect
and Except
, but I don't think it work quite the way I wanted it.
With the example above, if I call an Intersect
function, I want it to return List<int>{1, 2}
If I call something like members1.Except(members2)
, I want it to return
Dictionary<int, string> intersectMembers{
{1, "adam"},
A solution I thought of doing is to write 2 for-loops and using dictionary.Contains(key)
to get the result I want.
Is there a more straight forward way of doing this?
If you want a "Common Dictionary" returned I believe you could do it this way:
var intersectMembers = members1.Keys.Intersect(members2.Keys)
.ToDictionary(t => t, t => members1[t]);
or, alternatively:
var intersectMembers = members1.Where(x => members2.ContainsKey(x.Key))
.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
However, if you want a "Common List" returned then Sergey is right and you can implement his answer.