What is the best way to send your messages like error messages from one php page to other php page. I do not want to use implode function, also i do not want messages to be displayed in address bar. Using this code $pageurl.= '?errors[]=' . implode('&errors[]=', array_map('urlencode', $errors)); My error messages generated by entering incorrect information by user got displayed in address bar, which is something i do not want. Kindly help.
Use session data. It is stored on the server and kept between page loads.
Page that determines errors:
// something happens here to cause errors
$_SESSION['my_error'] = array(
'Field 1 is incorrect',
'Field 3 is incorrect'
// whatever happens here to send user to next page
Page that displays errors:
// check for set errors
if (isset($_SESSION['my_error']) && !empty($_SESSION['my_error']))
foreach ($_SESSION['my_error'] as $error)
echo $error.'<br>';
// unset them if not needed anymore