I'm using JQuery tabs. On click, I'm trying to just display an alert message (and make some coloring changes). Neither of which works -- I'm not sure why as when I move it out of the tabs part into regular html it works perfectly. Here's the relevant code:
In the addTab() from Jquery Tabs:
tabContentHtml = "<div class=\"favorite\" status=\"off\">☆</div>"
My own javascript code:
alert("in here");
var current_status = $(this).attr("status");
if(current_status == "off"){
$(this).attr("status", "on");
}else if (current_status == "on"){
$(this).attr("status", "off");
Note that I do see the star in the tab, it's just not responsive!
There is no click
method for jQuery UI Tabs. Instead it is called as activate
$(function () {
activate: function (event, ui) {
alert("I'm triggered"); //Within this you can wtite ToDos