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Deploying web role in Azure throws exception on CurrentAccountStorageName

I want to deploy a web role to Azure using the PowerShell CmdLets.

My script is as follows:

$subscription = "<name-of-subscription>"
$service = "<name-of-cloudservice>"
$slot = "staging"
$package = "path\to\package.cspkg"
$configuration = path\to\config.cscfg"
$deploymentLabel = "Deploy to $service"

Import-Module "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Azure\PowerShell\Azure\Azure.psd1"
Import-AzurePublishSettingsFile "C:\path-to.publishsettings"
Set-AzureSubscription -CurrentStorageAccount $service -SubscriptionName $subscription

# some more stuff to check whether to upgrade or to create ...

Set-AzureDeployment -Upgrade -Slot $slot -Package $package -Configuration $configuration -label $deploymentLabel -ServiceName $service -Force

When I execute this it throws an error:

Exception: The subscription named <name-of-subscription> already exists.

I figured that since I'm importing my publishsettings-file already I could get rid of Set-AzureSubscription. However, once I do that I get the next error:

Exception: CurrentStorageAccountName is not set. 
Use Set-AzureSubscription subname -CurrentStorageAccountName storageaccount to set it. 

This is the line that gave me the error in the first place, so I'm not sure how I need to set the storageaccountname without causing an error.

I also ran a little test:

Import-AzurePublishSettingsFile "C:\path-to.publishsettings"

Get-AzureSubscription | Format-Table

Once I do this I get the following output (reformatted):

SubscriptionName:        <name-of-subscription>
SubscriptionId:          123456789-123...
ServiceEndpoint:         https://man....
IsDefault:               True 
Certificate              [Subject]

As you can see, the CurrentStorageAccountName is empty, but I don't know how I can set it to a correct value.

I looked up some other scripts, but they all seem to be having this sequence of importing, then setting. Any idea why this is not working and how to solve it?


  • I have found out the reason. It appears that you cannot include the subscription name as a named parameter. Changing this line:

    Set-AzureSubscription -CurrentStorageAccount $service -SubscriptionName $subscription

    to this line did the trick

    Set-AzureSubscription $subscription -CurrentStorageAccount $service