I have a webserver that does not have the PHP protocol. It only has HTML. (its a raspberry pi running webiopi) I do connect to this page via smartphone, but since there are many i do not 100% know to what raspberry i am connected because IP addresses change regularely. I need a way to display the HOST name of the pi (i mean the computer name) inside the page. Since html is static i can only think of Javascript, but Javascript is executed at client side so i have no idea how to get the host name of the raspberry.
Any ideas?
--- additional info ----
will make clones of this rasp, thats the reason why it cant be hardcoded into html.
Doesn't webiopi use Python? Why can't you use that to put the dynamic hostname into the HTML?
Go here for an idea of how to put your markup together: http://code.google.com/p/webiopi/wiki/CUSTOMIZE
Go here for an example on how to grab the host info using python: How can I use Python to get the system hostname?