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disable Excel Compatibility Checker when saving/closing .xls file via PoSh

I am using a PoSh script to open/edit/save/close a .xls file. When the file opens, I am pretty sure it is handled by Excel 2010.

I am using the script found here, with no changes made other than pointing to my file path.

It works like I need it to work, but when it is in the save/close phase of the process, the Excel Compatibility Checker appears, and I have to click 'Ok' for it to commit.

Is there any way to disable the Compatibility Checker in the PoSh script?


  • I figured it out.

    I added the following line after opening the workbook: $workbook.CheckCompatibility = $False

    The script in full is as follows:

    $excel = new-object -com Excel.Application -Property @{Visible = $false} 
    $workbook = $excel.Workbooks.Open($file) # Open the file
    $workbook.CheckCompatibility = $False
    $sheet = $workbook.Sheets.Item("Paste value") # Select appropriate worksheet
    [void]$sheet.Cells.Item(1, 1).EntireRow.Delete() # Delete the first row
    $workbook.Close($true) # Close workbook and save changes
    $excel.quit() # Quit Excel
    [Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($excel) # Release COM

    I love PowerShell!