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Portable multithreading support in bytecodes/intermediate languages/compiler backends?

I've been working on the parser for a programming language that requires multithreading support. While investigating what the backend of my compiler should be, I noticed that I cannot find much information on multithreading for things like CIL, LLVM IR, gcc RTL, or JVM bytecode. I can find some references on how to make such code thread safe, but nothing on how to, say, create or fork threads. I can of course use signals or something to interface directly with the operating system, but that's nonportable and error-prone.

Is it the case that there's simply no portable way for managing threads in these low-level languages? Should I compile to a high(er)-level language like C instead?


  • In JVM byte code you can use any Java libraries, including those that work with threads. The conventional way of creating a thread would be

        new Thread() {
            public void run() {
                /// code

    This code is written in Java. The corresponding JVM byte code can be seen by using javap:

       0: new           #2                  // class Main$1
       3: dup           
       4: invokespecial #3                  // Method Main$1."<init>":()V
       7: invokevirtual #4                  // Method Main$1.start:()V
       10: return        

    And Main$1 is a class:

    final class Main$1 extends java/lang/Thread  {
      // compiled from:
      OUTERCLASS Main main ([Ljava/lang/String;)V
      // access flags 0x8
      static INNERCLASS Main$1 null null
      // access flags 0x0
        LINENUMBER 7 L0
        ALOAD 0
        INVOKESPECIAL java/lang/Thread.<init> ()V
        LOCALVARIABLE this LMain$1; L0 L1 0
        MAXSTACK = 1
        MAXLOCALS = 1
      // access flags 0x1
      public run()V
        LINENUMBER 11 L0
        LOCALVARIABLE this LMain$1; L0 L1 0
        MAXSTACK = 0
        MAXLOCALS = 1

    This code is perfectly portable.