I am trying to use divs instead of a table, and allow the user to comment on each "row".
An example of my div structure is like this:
<div id="mytable">
<div id="line1" class="line preformatted">
This is my whole entire line!
<div id="popuplink">
<a href="#" id="popup" aria-describedby="ui-tooltip-0" onclick="addComment(event)"><i class="icon-pencil"></i></a>
With the editable being defined like so:
toggle: 'manual',
mode: 'popup',
title: 'Enter comment',
type: 'text',
emptytext: '',
placement: 'right',
display: function(value, response) {
return false; //disable this method
success: function(response, newValue) {
alert("success saving: " + newValue);
And for some reason the x-editable popup will not display relative to the correct div, it keeps defaulting to the top left corner. How can I fix this?
see jsfiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/H9Drf/7/
Edit: I think that the problem has to do with the id of "popup" being the same in each div. As in, if I click on the third line, and write something into the textbox and hit "Save", I can tell that the effect happened to the first line, which has the first occurrence of "id=popup". Still not sure where to go from here...
I got it to work once I gave the different x-editable items (the links inside the popuplink divs in my code) different IDs. See working solution at jsfiddle.net/H9Drf/9/