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Using Kendo Mobile List View, How to set multiple values on HeaderTemplate?

I'm using the Kendo Mobile List List View. I'm using the DataSource with Grouping. I've created a Group Header Template. I need to show additional data in the Group Header. What is the best way to add this data?

Here is an image of my list view as it currently is: enter image description here

This is my script to draw the List view:

                headerTemplate: $('#best-in-klas-products-header-template').text(),
                template: $('#best-in-klas-products-template').text(),
                dataSource: new{
                    type: 'json',
                    transport: {
                        read: url
                    group: {
                        field: 'groupByField', dir: "desc"
                    sort: [
                        { field: "ranking", dir: "asc" }
                filterable: false,
                click: function (e) {
                    klas.evProductId = e.dataItem.evProductId;

This is my header template:

    <script id="best-in-klas-products-header-template" type="text/x-kendo-template">
    # if ( klas.bestInKlasProductsViewModel.checkForBestInKlas(value) ) { #
    <div class="list-view-group-header">
        <div class="group-header-table-container">
            <div><img src="images/best-in-klas.svg" class="best-in-class-logo" /></div>
                <div class="market-segment-title">#: klas.marketSegmentName #</div>
                <div class="award-title">Best in KLAS</div>
    # } else { #
    <div class="list-view-group-header">
        <div class="group-header-table-container">
            <div><img src="images/category-leader.svg" class="best-in-class-logo" /></div>
                <div class="market-segment-title">#: klas.marketSegmentName #</div>
                <div class="award-title">Category Leaders</div>
    # } #

Is there a good way to show additional data in the Group Header? Any Help would be greatly appreciated.


  • Instead of defining a template for the groupHeader, you can define a function to call. Inside that function you can whatever you need and return whatever you want for the header to say.

    headerTemplate: headerTemplateFunction,

    with the function like

    function headerTemplateFunction(e) {
      var matchedData = $("#listView").data("kendoMobileListView") {
        return item.continent === e.value;
      return e.value + " has a total of : " + matchedData.length;

    See sample on jsBin