Does anyone know a good way how i can extract blocks from an Eigen::VectorXf that can be interpreted as a specific Eigen::MatrixXf without copying data? (the vector should contains several flatten matrices)
e.g. something like that (pseudocode):
VectorXd W = VectorXd::Zero(8);
// Use data from W and create a matrix view from first four elements
Block<2,2> A = W.blockFromIndex(0, 2, 2);
// Use data from W and create a matrix view from last four elements
Block<2,2> B = W.blockFromIndex(4, 2, 2);
// Should also change data in W
A(0,0) = 1.0
B(0,0) = 1.0
The purpose is simple to have several representations that point to the same data in memory.
This can be done e.g. in python/numpy by extracting submatrix views and reshape them.
A = numpy.reshape(W[0:0 + 2 * 2], (2,2))
I Don't know whether Eigen supports reshape methods for Eigen::Block.
I guess, Eigen::Map is very similar except it expects plain c-arrays / raw memory. (Link: Eigen::Map).
If you want to reinterpret a subvector as a matrix then yes, you have to use Map:
Map<Matrix2d> A(; // using the first 4 elements
Map<Matrix2d> B(W.tail(4).data()); // using the last 4 elements
Map<MatrixXd> C(, 2,2); // using the 6th to 10th elements
// with sizes defined at runtime.