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Yii CList error - do not have a method or closure named "setReadOnly"

I have a basic function that is using CList - for some reason I get the following error:

CList and its behaviors do not have a method or closure named "setReadOnly".

My php code

$list = new CList(array('python', 'ruby'));
$anotherList = new Clist(array('php'));
$list->setReadOnly(true); // CList and its behaviors do not have a method or closure named "setReadOnly". 

Can anyone explain why I am getting this error?

P.S i copied this code directly from a recent Yii book... so I am abit puzzled

// Update: added the var_dump before and after the mergeWith()

  private '_d' => 
    array (size=2)
     0 => string 'python' (length=6)
     1 => string 'ruby' (length=4)
  private '_c' => int 2
  private '_r' => boolean false
  private '_e' (CComponent) => null
  private '_m' (CComponent) => null

  private '_d' => 
    array (size=3)
    0 => string 'python' (length=6)
    1 => string 'ruby' (length=4)
    2 => string 'php' (length=3)
  private '_c' => int 3
  private '_r' => boolean false
  private '_e' (CComponent) => null
  private '_m' (CComponent) => null


  • The CList method setReadOnly() is protected and thus cannot be called from the scope you're using, only from within itself or inheriting classes. See

    However, the CList class allows the list to be set as read only in its constructor

    public function __construct($data=null,$readOnly=false)


    $list = new CList(array('python', 'ruby'), true); // Passing true into the constructor
    $anotherList = new CList(array('php'));

    Results in the error

    CException The list is read only. 

    I'm not sure if that's the result you're looking for, but if you want a read only CList that's one way to get it.

    You might think when merging subsequent CLists you could set readonly true at the end, however mergeWith() only merges the _d data array, not the other class variables, so it remains false.

    $list = new CList(array('python', 'ruby'));
    $anotherList = new CList(array('php'));
    $yetAnotherList = new CList(array('javacript'), true);
    var_dump($list); // ["_r":"CList":private]=>bool(false)