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keyup() bug in Firefox and Chrome?

  var k = e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which;          



    <input type="text" name=""  autocomplete="off"/>

Why keyup fires twice but only after second strike for special keys (arrows, space, backspace etc) ? - Are any solutions to fix this issue? - the autocomplete it's turned off - In IE it is working fine - With keydown or keypress is working fine for FF and Chrome - But I can't use keypress because it doesn't work for IE for special keys - I can't use keydown because I need the value of the input including the character I just type. Like this $(this).val(); - (I needed it for a live search). Keydown will give the value but without the last char. Maybe you could give me an idea in this direction - how to capture the value including last char with keydown?


  • Based on your question I'm a bit confused, will combining keyup and .val() not do what you want?


    If not please elaborate a bit more.