Can Anybody tell me why only one result is shown? The database returns multiple rows. Only the first one is displayed?
limit: 10,
minLength: 2,
remote: {
url: '/typeahead?s=%QUERY',
template: function (data) {
return '<p>'+'</p>';
PHP (Laravel):
$input = Input::all();
$results = array();
$getshops = DB::connection('mysql')->select("SELECT id, shop FROM shops WHERE shop LIKE '%".$input['s']."%'");
foreach($getshops as $shop){
$results[] = array('id' => $shop->id, 'name' => beautifyshops($shop->shop));
return Response::json($results);
Use a filter function remote.
remote: {
url: '/typeahead?s=%QUERY',
filter: function(parsedResponse) {
return, function(res){
return {
value: res,
it'll return all the suggestions returned from server.