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How to programmatically check if an application has deployed in JBoss5?

I am writing a small app to automate deployments. Basically, it checks an ftp server periodically for a new .ear file. Compares the checksum of the remote ftp file against what is currently deployed. If there is a new ftp file, then it gets picked up and deployed...

I then have a check to see if the app has deployed successfully. At the moment, I am sending an http get requested for the main landing page of the app and then checking the http return code for a successful deployment. However, I dont think this is the best way to check for a successful deployment as the serverside components might not have deployed.

Is there any way I could access some JBoss API to get a list of deployed applications? Or, if anyone has any other ideas?

Thanks in advance...


  • JBoss supports the JSR-88 Deployment API. Have a look at this client that deploys on JBoss using the JBoss JSR-88 implementation.