I am having an issue creating my (mostly) generic data access wrapper
/// <summary>
/// Get the results of a stronly-typed IList Object
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Strongly-Typed class of objects that should be returned</typeparam>
/// <param name="_DBType">The type of database to use</param>
/// <param name="_Qry">The query to run</param>
/// <param name="_QryType">The Query Type to run</param>
/// <param name="_ParamNames">The Parameters' names to pass to the query, if any</param>
/// <param name="_ParamVals">The Parameters' values to pass to the query, if any</param>
/// <param name="_ParamDTs">The Parameters' data types to pass to the query, if any</param>
/// <param name="_ShouldCache">Should we cache the response</param>
/// <param name="_CacheID">Cache item name</param>
/// <returns>Strongly Typed ilist of objects</returns>
public static IList<T> GetResults<T>(Enumerators.DatabaseTypes _DBType,
string _Qry,
CommandType _QryType,
string[] _ParamNames = null,
object[] _ParamVals = null,
Enumerators.DataTypes[] _ParamDTs = null,
bool _ShouldCache = false,
string _CacheID = "") where T : new()
// Create a reference to a potential already cached IList
IList<T> _CachedItem = _Cache.Get<IList<T>>(_CacheID);
// If we're already cached, there's no need to fire up the data access objects, so return the cached item instead
if (_CachedItem != null && _ShouldCache)
return _CachedItem;
// Fire up our data access object
switch (_DBType)
case Enumerators.DatabaseTypes.SqlServer:
SqlServer.Access db = new SqlServer.Access();
case Enumerators.DatabaseTypes.SqlCE:
SqlCE.Access db = new SqlCE.Access();
case Enumerators.DatabaseTypes.MySql:
MySql.Access db = new MySql.Access();
case Enumerators.DatabaseTypes.OLE:
Ole.Access db = new Ole.Access();
case Enumerators.DatabaseTypes.ODBC:
Odbc.Access db = new Odbc.Access();
db = null;
using (db)
// create a new ilist reference of our strongly typed class
IList<T> _Query = default(IList<T>);
// set the query type
db.QueryType = _QryType;
// set the query text
db.Query = _Qry;
// make sure we've got some parameters, if we do the set them to our db access object
if (_ParamNames != null)
// set the parameter names
db.ParameterNames = _ParamNames;
// set the parameter values
db.ParameterValues = _ParamVals;
// set the parameter data types
db.ParameterDataTypes = _ParamDTs;
// start using our db access :) Fire off the GetResults method and return back a SqlDataReader to work on
using (DbDataReader r = db.GetResults())
// make sure the data reader actually exists and contains some results
if (r != null)
// map the data reader to our strongly type(s)
_Query = Map<T>(r);
// check if we should cache the results
if (_ShouldCache)
// if so, set the query object to the cache
_Cache.Set<IList<T>>(_Query, _CacheID);
// return our strongly typed list
return _Query;
catch (DbException dEx)
// Catch an exception if any, an write it out to our logging mechanism, in addition to adding it our returnable message property
_Msg += "Wrapper.GetResults Exception: " + dEx.Message + db.Message;
ErrorReporting.WriteEm.WriteItem(dEx, "o7th.Class.Library.Data.Wrapper.GetResults", _Msg);
// make sure this method returns a default List
return default(IList<T>);
catch (Exception ex)
// Catch an exception if any, an write it out to our logging mechanism, in addition to adding it our returnable message property
_Msg += "Wrapper.GetResults Exception: " + ex.Message + db.Message;
ErrorReporting.WriteEm.WriteItem(ex, "o7th.Class.Library.Data.Wrapper.GetResults", _Msg);
// make sure this method returns a default List
return default(IList<T>);
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;
namespace o7th.Class.Library.Data.SqlServer
internal class Access : IDisposable
#region "Properties"
// Set the type of query we are running
private CommandType _QT;
internal CommandType QueryType { set { _QT = value; } }
// Set the actual query text to run
private string _Qry;
internal string Query { set { _Qry = value; } }
// Set the parameter names if there are any
private string[] _PNs;
internal string[] ParameterNames { set { _PNs = value; } }
// Set the parameter values if there are any
private object[] _PVs;
internal object[] ParameterValues { set { _PVs = value; } }
// Set the actual Sql Data Types if there are any
private DataTypes[] _DTs;
internal DataTypes[] ParameterDataTypes { set { _DTs = value; } }
// Check to see if there are any parameters passed
private bool AreParams() {
// Check to see if the values and names are null first
if (_PVs != null && _PNs != null) {
try {
Type _t_pv = _PVs.GetType();
Type _t_pn = _PNs.GetType();
if (_t_pv.IsArray && _t_pn.IsArray) {
return (_PVs.Length > 0 && _PNs.Length > 0) ? true : false;
} else {
return false;
} catch {
// yes I meant to do this, we really don't need to get the exception here
return false;
} else {
return false;
// Get a return message if any
private string _Msg;
internal string Message { get { return _Msg; } }
// Set the official Sql Reader object
private SqlDataReader _Rdr;
// Set the official Sql Connection object
private SqlConnection _Conn;
// Set the official Sql Command object
private SqlCommand _Cmd;
// Hack for seeing if we're disposed already
private bool disposedValue;
// Constructor
internal Access() {
// Official Constructor. We can thread these 2 becuase they are not being used yet, and it makes it slightly more efficient
internal void Invoke() {
try {
Parallel.Invoke(() => {
_Conn = new SqlConnection(AssemblyProperties.GetConnectionString());
}, () =>
_Cmd = new SqlCommand();
catch (SqlException dEx)
// Catch an exception if any, an write it out to our logging mechanism, in addition to adding it our returnable message property
_Msg = "Access.Invoke Exception: " + dEx.Message;
ErrorReporting.WriteEm.WriteItem(dEx, "o7th.Class.Library.Data.SqlServer.Access.Invoke", _Msg);
catch (Exception ex)
_Msg = "Access.Invoke Exception: " + ex.Message;
ErrorReporting.WriteEm.WriteItem(ex, "o7th.Class.Library.Data.SqlServer.Access.Invoke", _Msg);
/// <summary>
/// Return a SqlDataReader based on the properties passed to this class
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
internal SqlDataReader GetResults()
try {
// check for parameters
if (AreParams()) {
// set our connection
_Cmd.Connection = _Conn;
// set the type of query to run
_Cmd.CommandType = _QT;
// set the actual query to run
_Cmd.CommandText = _Qry;
// open the connection
// prepare the command with any parameters that may have gotten added
// Execute the SqlDataReader, and set the connection to close once returned
_Rdr = _Cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);
// clear out any parameters
// return our reader object
return (!_Rdr.HasRows) ? null : _Rdr;
catch (SqlException SqlEx)
_Msg += "Acccess.GetResults SqlException: " + SqlEx.Message;
ErrorReporting.WriteEm.WriteItem(SqlEx, "o7th.Class.Library.Data.SqlServer.Access.GetResults", _Msg);
return null;
catch (Exception ex) {
_Msg += "Acccess.GetResults Exception: " + ex.Message;
ErrorReporting.WriteEm.WriteItem(ex, "o7th.Class.Library.Data.SqlServer.Access.GetResults", _Msg);
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Execute a non-return query, and return the success
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
internal bool Execute() {
try {
// check for parameters
if (AreParams()) {
// set our connection
_Cmd.Connection = _Conn;
// set the type of query to run
_Cmd.CommandType = _QT;
// set the actual query to run
_Cmd.CommandText = _Qry;
// open the connection
// prepare the command with any parameters that may have gotten added
// execute the non-returnable query against the database
// clear out any parameters
// executed successfully (otherwise would have thrown an exception)
return true;
catch (SqlException SqlEx)
_Msg += "Access.Execute SqlException: " + SqlEx.Message;
ErrorReporting.WriteEm.WriteItem(SqlEx, "o7th.Class.Library.Data.SqlServer.Access.Execute", _Msg);
return false;
catch (Exception ex) {
_Msg += "Access.Execute Exception: " + ex.Message;
ErrorReporting.WriteEm.WriteItem(ex, "o7th.Class.Library.Data.SqlServer.Access.Execute", _Msg);
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Execute a query with a return value. Used in Selecting the ID of the last inserted record.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
/// <param name="_DefVal"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
internal T ExecuteWithReturn<T>(T _DefVal) {
try {
T _Ret;
// check for parameters
if (AreParams()) {
// set our connection
_Cmd.Connection = _Conn;
// set the type of query to run
_Cmd.CommandType = _QT;
// set the actual query to run
_Cmd.CommandText = _Qry;
// open the connection
// prepare the command with any parameters that may have gotten added
T _T = (T)_Cmd.ExecuteScalar();
_Ret = (_T is DBNull) ? default(T) : _T;
// clear out _T
_T = default(T);
// clear out any parameters
// return the single return value from the query run
return _Ret;
catch (SqlException SqlEx)
_Msg += "Access.ExecuteWithReturn SqlException: " + SqlEx.Message;
ErrorReporting.WriteEm.WriteItem(SqlEx, "o7th.Class.Library.Data.SqlServer.Access.ExecuteWithReturn", _Msg);
return default(T);
} catch (Exception ex) {
_Msg += "Access.ExecuteWithReturn Exception: " + ex.Message;
ErrorReporting.WriteEm.WriteItem(ex, "o7th.Class.Library.Data.SqlServer.Access.ExecuteWithReturn", _Msg);
return default(T);
/// <summary>
/// Prepare our parameters, adding them and forcing a valid data length
/// </summary>
/// <param name="objCmd"></param>
protected void PrepareParams(SqlCommand objCmd) {
try {
// set our initial Data Size
int _DataSize = 0;
// get the number of Parameter Values passed in
int _PCt = _PVs.GetUpperBound(0);
// begin array check
Type _t_dt = _DTs.GetType();
// start looping over our parameters
for (int i = 0; i <= _PCt; ++i) {
// make sure that the data types are actually an array
if (_t_dt.IsArray) {
// select which datatype, and force the official size
switch ((int)_DTs[i]) {
case 0:
case 33:
case 6:
case 9:
case 13:
case 19:
_DataSize = 8;
case 1:
case 3:
case 7:
case 10:
case 12:
case 21:
case 22:
case 23:
case 25:
_DataSize = _PVs[i].ToString().Length;
case 2:
case 20:
_DataSize = 1;
case 5:
_DataSize = 17;
case 8:
case 17:
case 15:
_DataSize = 4;
case 14:
_DataSize = 16;
case 31:
_DataSize = 3;
case 32:
_DataSize = 5;
case 16:
_DataSize = 2;
// add our parameter to the command object
objCmd.Parameters.Add(_PNs[i], (SqlDbType)_DTs[i], _DataSize).Value = _PVs[i];
} else {
// if the datatypes were not set, try to add them generically
objCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(_PNs[i], _PVs[i]);
// clean up
_PNs = null;_PVs = null;_DTs = null;
} catch (Exception ex) {
_Msg += "Access.PrepareParams Exception: " + ex.Message;
ErrorReporting.WriteEm.WriteItem(ex, "o7th.Class.Library.Data.SqlServer.Access.PrepareParams", _Msg);
#region "Dispose Support"
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (!disposedValue && disposing) {
_Qry = string.Empty;
if (_Conn.State == ConnectionState.Open)
_Msg = null;
catch(Exception ex) {
ErrorReporting.WriteEm.WriteItem(ex, "o7th.Class.Library.Data.SqlServer.Access.Dispose", "");
disposedValue = true;
public void Dispose()
The issue I am having is, because I need the switch
statement to select which database Access
method should be used, it is throwing The name 'db' does not exist in the current context
errors all over the place.
I've also attempted to var db;
prior to the switch
statement with the Implicitly-typed local variables
I will not know which type of database will be used until it is time to actually use this, so how can I make sure this works?
IDbAccess db;
switch (_DBType)
case Enumerators.DatabaseTypes.SqlServer:
SqlServer.Access db = new SqlServer.Access();
case Enumerators.DatabaseTypes.SqlCE:
SqlCE.Access db = new SqlCE.Access();
case Enumerators.DatabaseTypes.MySql:
MySql.Access db = new MySql.Access();
case Enumerators.DatabaseTypes.OLE:
Ole.Access db = new Ole.Access();
case Enumerators.DatabaseTypes.ODBC:
Odbc.Access db = new Odbc.Access();
db = null;
is producing Cannot implicitly convert type 'SqlCE.Access to SqlServer.Access'
errors down the line, as well as A local variable 'db' is already defined in this scope
and A local variable named 'db' cannot be declared in this scope because it would give a different meaning to 'db' which is already used in a parent of current scope to denote something else
All of those various database providers should have some sort of base class they all inherit from or an interface that they all implement. That base class/interface should have all of the operations that you use later on in the method. Create a variable of that base type/interface before the switch
and then assign that variable a value in each case