I feel like this is a very dumb question but I could not find the answer.
Suppose that we want to evaluate a postfix expression which contains various operators with different arity (for example ADD, SUB, and other operators that can take N
number of operands). How much stack memory (in terms of number of elements) is required to evaluate a postfix expression built with these operators?
Is there a way to determine the amount of memory that is required?
EDIT: It seems that the question is a bit ambiguous. What I am asking is, what is the maximum number of stack elements that I need for this kind of operation? Can it even be calculated or it could be infinitely many and depends on the expression?
It depends on the expression. The classical recursive solution for a binary expression is something like (in C code):
int maxstack(expression *exp) {
if (IsLeaf(exp)) {
return 0;
} else {
int left_stack = maxstack(exp->left);
int right_stack = maxstack(exp->right);
if (left_stack == right_stack)
return left_stack + 1;
else if (left_stack > right_stack)
return left_stack;
return right_stack;
extending this to trinary/nary expressions is relatively straight-forward