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Scroll with 'magnetic' effect (jquery)

Is there a way to detect properly if an element is actually on the 'focus' of the scroll...I mean a kind of 'user is now at this element position'?

It would be a kind of comparaison between element.offset().top and $(window).scrollTop(); ?

I found this effect on this site ( and I was ask myself how this could work properly in any device/resolution


  • He's using:

    var articles = $('article');
    // Find next
    function findnext(){
        var scrollPosition = $(window).scrollTop();
        articles.each(function() {
            var that = $(this);
            artPosition = that.offset().top;
            if (artPosition > scrollPosition + 10) {
                target = that;
                $.scrollTo(target, 400, {axis:'y', easing:'easeInOutQuart'});
                return false;

    etc check the source code