How can i make when i chose a radio button On or Off to submit input id="kot" ?
<label><input type="radio" onClick="*???*" name="shfaq<?php echo $i; ?>" value="1" id="radiobuttonsondazh_0" <?php if($result['live']==1) echo 'checked'; ?> />Po</label>
<label><input type="radio" onClick="*???*" name="shfaq<?php echo $i; ?>" value="0" id="radiobuttonsondazh_1" <?php if($result['live']==0) echo 'checked'; ?> />Jo</label>
<input id="kot" name="soralivetitull" type="submit" value="Shfaq" style="margin-top:1em" onclick="setWTF(this.form.soralivetitull);" />
Try it like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
function submitform()
//give your form the id "myform"
<form id="myform" action="submit-form.php">
//and then call the function onCLick
<input type="radio" onClick="javascript: submitform()" ...