I've been looking for clarification between XName , XNamespace & XElement.Name.LocalName , from msdn.microsoft.com the example states that
XNamespace ns = "http://www.adventure-works.com";
XElement root = new XElement(ns + "Root", "content");
Q. Does Xelement has to have a namespace necessarily?
When I use it like:
XElement xEle = XElement.Parse(xml);
String tagName = xEle.Name.LocalName;
It gives the first Element's Name, why?
(Please clarify if possible the difference & possible usage of XElement.XName & XElement.XName.LocalName)
An XElement
has a name, represented as an XName
. That XName
may or may not have a namespace associated with it. If it doesn't, the XName.Namespace
property will return XNamespace.None
An XName
is a fully-qualified name, basically - whereas XName.LocalName
will only give the local part.
So in your example:
The XName
with a namespace is not the same as an XName
without a namespace (or with a different namespace). So for example, the Element(XName)
method will not find an element with a name with the specified local name but a different namespace.