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Why are the images are not cycling through, when using this JavaScript?

I am trying to get 4 images to cycle, but none of the images show on the page.

Please can you tell me what I am doing wrong?

In <head>:

<script type="text/javascript">
    var currentImageIndex = -1,
        maxImageIndex = 0,
        images = [],
        changeInterval = 1500;

    // Prepares relevant variables to cycle throguh images
    var setUp = function () {

        images[0] = "cliff.jpg";
        images[1] = "nice.jpg";
        images[2] = "sea.jpg";
        images[3] = "umbrellas.jpg";

        maxImageIndex = images.length;
        currentImageIndex = 0;

    // Changes the banner currently being displayed
    var changeBanner = function () {
        var i;

        currentImageIndex = (currentImageIndex >= maxImageIndex - 1) ? 0 : currentImageIndex += 1;

        for (i = 0; i < maxImageIndex; i += 1) {
            images[i].hidden = (i !== currentImageIndex);

    // A function which is triggered following the `load` event
    window.onload = function () {

        images[currentImageIndex].hidden = false; // show the first banner image;

        setInterval(changeBanner, changeInterval); // following a delay, keep changing the banner image by the specified interval

In <body>:

<div id="headerImages">
    <img src="/Images/cliff.jpg" alt="Cliff" title="Cliff" width="429" height="144" border="0" hidden />
    <img src="/Images/nice.jpg" alt="nice" title="nice" width="429" height="144" border="0" hidden />
    <img src="/Images/sea.jpg" alt="sea" title="sea" width="429" height="144" border="0" hidden />
    <img src="/Images/umbrellas.jpg" alt="umbrellas" title="umbrellas" width="429" height="144" border="0" hidden />



  • I had to replace:

    images[0] = "cliff.jpg";
    images[1] = "nice.jpg";
    images[2] = "sea.jpg";
    images[3] = "umbrellas.jpg";


    images = $('#headerImages img');

    The full code is now:

        <script type="text/javascript">
            var currentImageIndex = -1,
                maxImageIndex = 0,
                images = [],
                changeInterval = 5000;
            // Prepares relevant variables to cycle through images
            var setUp = function () {
                images = $('#headerImages img');
                maxImageIndex = images.length;
                currentImageIndex = 0;
            // Changes the banner currently being displayed
            var changeBanner = function () {
                var i;
                currentImageIndex = (currentImageIndex >= maxImageIndex - 1) ? 0 : currentImageIndex += 1;
                for (i = 0; i < maxImageIndex; i += 1) {
                    images[i].hidden = (i !== currentImageIndex);
            // A function which is triggered following the `load` event
            window.onload = function () {
                images[currentImageIndex].hidden = false; // show the first banner image;
                setInterval(changeBanner, changeInterval); // following a delay, keep changing the banner image by the specified interval
        <div id="headerImages">
        <img src="/images/cliff.jpg" alt="Cliff" title="Cliff" width="429" height="144" border="0" hidden />
        <img src="/images/nice.jpg" alt="nice" title="nice" width="429" height="144" border="0" hidden />
        <img src="/images/sea.jpg" alt="sea" title="sea" width="429" height="144" border="0" hidden />
        <img src="/images/umbrellas.jpg" alt="umbrellas" title="umbrellas" width="429" height="144" border="0" hidden />