Let's say I have the following two class/interface definitions:
public abstract class FooClass {
public abstract void doFoo();
public interface BarInterface {
public void doBar();
If I want to make an anonymous inner class that extends/implements both, do I need to do this:
public abstract class BothClass extends FooClass implements BarInterface {}
new BothClass() {
public void doFoo() {
public void doBar() {
Or is there a short-cut that allows me to not define BothClass
? Something like this, maybe:
new (FooClass implements BarInterface)() {
public void doFoo() {
public void doBar() {
(This idea gives me several errors, none of which are helpful here)
An anonymous class declaration is automatically derived from a class instance creation expression by the Java compiler.
where a class instance creation expression is
new TypeArgumentsopt TypeDeclSpecifier TypeArgumentsOrDiamondopt
( ArgumentListopt ) ClassBodyopt
Primary . new TypeArgumentsopt Identifier TypeArgumentsOrDiamondopt
( ArgumentListopt ) ClassBodyopt
ArgumentList , Expression
So, no, the Java language specification does not allow any shortcuts for making your anonymous class implement more interfaces than the type you're sub-typing.
So, to determine the type of the anonymous class
If the class instance creation expression ends in a class body, then the class being instantiated is an anonymous class. Then:
- If T denotes an interface, then an anonymous direct subclass of Object that implements the interface named by T is declared.
- Let T be the type named by the Identifier and any type arguments. An anonymous direct subclass of the class named by T is declared. The body of the subclass is the ClassBody given in the class instance creation expression.
Your alternative is the way to do it.
You can also use local classes.