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Code Contracts: How do I supply a contract class for a generic interface?

I'd like to specify a contract for this generic interface, using Code Contracts:

interface IRandomWriteAccessible<T>
    T this[uint index] { set; }
    uint Length { get; }

The documentation says to use the ContractClass attribute when specifying a contract for an interface. However, the compiler will complain about this:

//             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^     <-- compiler error
interface IRandomWriteAccessible<T> { … }

//                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^          <-- compiler error
sealed class IRandomWriteAccessibleContract<T> : IRandomWriteAccessible<T> { … }

It seems that type parameters cannot be used with attributes.

How do I write a contract for my generic interface? Or is this not possible with Code Contracts?


  • As mentioned by other comments in this question, you should remove the generic type identifier from your attribute usage as it can not be resolved at compile time:
