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How can I get some parameter value in jquery raty plugin, with click event?

I am working on a project. Its looking like a blog site. In index page, i have added raty plugin for rate the article. When I rate a post, i am getting ratting value by click event. I need that article id & user id on click function of raty function. How can I get this ?

My HTML code :

    <div class="col-lg-7 col-md-7 col-sm-7 col-xs-7">
         <h2 class="book-title"><%= user[i].writeArticle[j].title%></h2>
                  <h4 class="book-writer">লেখাঃ <%= user[i].name%></h4>
                  <h4 class="book-writer">ছবিঃ সংগৃহীত</h4>
         <h4 class="sub-level"><%= user[i].writeArticle[j].cetagory%></h4>
         <h4 class="sub-level"> লেভেল :<span><%= user[i].writeArticle[j].label%></h4>

          <span class="star"> </span>


My Jquery code:


    click: function(score, evt) {
    var rating=score;

    // need article title here:



  • You can add the id's as data-title-id and data-user-id attributes on the .star element. Then in the event handler you can do $(this).attr('data-title-id') to get the title id.

    Edit example:

    <span class="star" data-title-id="74">

    Now in the click handler


    Should return "74"