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p:dataList filter displayed twice on mobile

I want to usep:dataList in my mobile application. The problem is that filter is displayed twice and I don't know why.

This is my view code:

<p:dialog widgetVar="busListDialog" header="Choose bus">
        <p:dataList value="#{ztmController.carriageList}" var="item">
            <f:attribute name="filter" value="true" />
                <h:outputText value="#{item.vehicleNumber}" />

and this is how does'it look like after rendering:


Any help? Where is the problem?

These are my maven dependencies:


As you can see I use primefaces mobile 0.9.4 and primefaces 3.5.

BTW. I haven't found if it is possible to limit rows per page in primefaces mobile 0.9.4? Is it or not?


  • Probably it's a bug for this version (0.9.4). I tested the same code tor 1.0-SNAPSHOT version ant it works fine.