I'm using Equinox from within the Eclipse IDE to run a group of bundles (some of them are projects in my Eclipse working set).
After launching Equinox I would like to run some service. One option would be to use the Console which works fine, but, I would like to run something automatically after hitting the "run" button, instead of writing a command in the console window again every time.
Another special thing about the service I want to run is that it consumes another service that can only be resolved in run-time. During run-time my application checks who could provide some service and chooses between the service providers. This means that:
Is there a way to register some notification in order to know when Equinox completed installing and starting all bundles its supposed to during its start-up?
If there is such a hook, I could use it to know when I could start my application.
Register a Framework Event on the Bundle's activator by calling context.addFrameworkListener, and start the application when STARTED event is fired.
Works well, I just wonder whether I need to start the application on a new thread or maybe I could start my application directly from the event handler.