I have below document structure in mongodb database:
"_id" : ObjectId("52ec7b43e4b048cd48499b35"),
"eidlist" : [
"eid" : "64286",
"dst" : NumberLong(21044),
"score" : 0
"eid" : "65077",
"dst" : NumberLong(21044),
"score" : 0
"src" : NumberLong(21047)
I would like to update score field of first object using Java-mongodb driver: I tried following code but it is not working :( :
DBObject update_query=new BasicDBObject("src", key).append("eidlist.eid", e.getEdgeid());
DBObject data=new BasicDBObject("$set",new BasicDBObject("eidlist.score",100));
coll.update(update_query, data);
Please help me to solve this problem..I have checked all the parameter which I have passed to update function.I think something wrong with the update logic :(
You were close. You omiited the positional operator from the update. Edit your code as shown.
DBObject data=new BasicDBObject("$set",new BasicDBObject("eidlist.$.score",100));