I've text which contains "equations" like :
-- This is comment
ABC:= 121-XY1/7 > 45 OR SS >= 3
ZY2 AND -- This is another comment
(JKL * PQR) < 75;
PP2/2 XOR PP3;
ZZ_1:=A-B > 0 XOR (B2 % GH == 6 AND
SP == 4
-- Again a comment
NOT AX > GF < 2 OR C*AS2 >= 5);
I decided to use boost spirit to parse this text , as of now I just need to know my operands and operators.
I've referred this nice answer (thanks to sehe :) ) to write my expression grammar (relational operators not written yet)
However I cannot strip my comments with :-
,p >> ';' // parser object
,qi::space | "--" >> *(qi::char_ - qi::eol) >> qi::eol
,result //expression object, (boost::variant with boost::recursive_wrapper)
because it gives several errors, some of the post says to tweak a boost header file.
So I'm using another grammar to strip off comment first using :
,qi::char_ >> *qi::char_
, qi::space | "--" >> *(qi::char_ - qi::eol) >> qi::eol
,stripped // std::string
But this gives me a text with all space and comment removed :
So, the question is how can I strip just the comments, preserving space and newlines ?
Using : Boost Version 1.55.0
Your exact code sample is missing. Allow me to add a sample skipper to that "boolean expression grammar" you linked to:
std::string const input =
"a and\n"
"-- abacadabra\n"
typedef std::string::const_iterator It;
// ADDED: allow comments
qi::rule<It> skip_ws_and_comments
= qi::space
| "--" >> *(qi::char_-qi::eol) >> qi::eol
parser<It, qi::rule<It> > p;
That's all the changes required. Output:
result: (a & b)
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