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Assembly What are *ALL* possible arithmetic possibilities in brackets?

I'm making a x86 asm to C code emulator.. and for my parser I am up to the bracket parsing

QWORD PTR [ to ]

DWORD PTR [ to ]

WORD PTR [ to ]

BYTE PTR [ to ]

MOV X, [ to ]

LEA X, [ to ]

For now I will ignore..





I want to know what are all the possible mathematical arithmetic can that be placed in the brackets

Most complex I have encountered is.. [EBP+ECX*4-E0]

The reason I have to parse is to convert E0 to 0x000000E0 then 4 to 0x00000004

As far as I know +, -, * are possible is \ and or / possible too, or how about dots? .?

I figure best way to split every instruction which contains brackets [] to get inner math. Then split the inner math by 1 char delimiters +-*.

I want to make sure I get them all? is division ever possible in these? or not how about XOR/OR/AND/NOT ?


  • Maybe these tables for to build a Mod R/M-Byte is helpfull to show wich combination is possible for to build an address with the 16 bit and 32 bit base and index registers.

    Format of Postbyte(Mod R/M from Intel)
    MM  - Memeory addressing mode
    RRR - Register operand address
    MMM - Memoy operand address
    RRR Register Names
    Filds  8bit  16bit  32bit
    000    AL     AX     EAX
    001    CL     CX     ECX
    010    DL     DX     EDX
    011    Bl     BX     EBX
    100    AH     SP     ESP
    101    CH     BP     EBP
    110    DH     SI     ESI
    111    BH     DI     EDI
    16bit memory (No 32 bit memory address prefix)
    MMM   Default MM Field
    Field Sreg     00        01          10             11=MMM is reg
    000   DS       [BX+SI]   [BX+SI+o8]  [BX+SI+o16]
    001   DS       [BX+DI]   [BX+DI+o8]  [BX+DI+o16]
    010   SS       [BP+SI]   [BP+SI+o8]  [BP+SI+o16]
    011   SS       [BP+DI]   [BP+DI+o8]  [BP+DI+o16]
    100   DS       [SI]      [SI+o8]     [SI+o16]
    101   DS       [DI]      [DI+o8]     [SI+o16]
    110   SS       [o16]     [BP+o8]     [BP+o16]
    111   DS       [BX]      [BX+o8]     [BX+o16]
    Note: MMM=110,MM=0 Default Sreg is DS !!!!
    32bit memory (Has 67h 32 bit memory address prefix)
    MMM   Default MM Field
    Field Sreg     00        01          10             11=MMM is reg
    000   DS       [EAX]     [EAX+o8]    [EAX+o32]
    001   DS       [ECX]     [ECX+o8]    [ECX+o32]
    010   DS       [EDX]     [EDX+o8]    [EDX+o32]
    011   DS       [EBX]     [EBX+o8]    [EBX+o32]
    100   SIB      [SIB]     [SIB+o8]    [SIB+o32]
    101   SS       [o32]     [EBP+o8]    [EBP+o32]
    110   DS       [ESI]     [ESI+o8]    [ESI+o32]
    111   DS       [EDI]     [EDI+o8]    [EDI+o32]
    Note: MMM=110,MM=0 Default Sreg is DS !!!!
    SIB is (Scale/Base/Index)
    Note: SIB address calculated as:
    <sib address>=<Base>+<Index>*(2^(Scale))
    Fild   Default Base
    BBB    Sreg    Register   Note
    000    DS      EAX
    001    DS      ECX
    010    DS      EDX
    011    DS      EBX
    100    SS      ESP
    101    DS      o32        if MM=00 (Postbyte)
    SS      EBP        if MM<>00 (Postbyte)
    110    SS      ESI
    111    DS      EDI
    Fild  Index
    III   register   Note
    000   EAX
    001   ECX
    010   EDX
    011   EBX
    100              never Index SS can be 00
    101   EBP
    110   ESI
    111   EDI
    Fild Scale coefficient
    SS   =2^(SS)
    00   1
    01   2
    10   4
    11   8