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Bean Validation Message with dynamic parameter

I am getting started with bean validation, and I'm trying to compose a constraint. My constraint is to validate a CPF(personal document in Brazil). My constraint is working, but I need the message to contain a dynamic parameter.

I'm using My code:

@Size(min=11, max=14)
public @interface Cpf {

    String message() default "{cpf.validation.message}";
    Class<?>[] groups() default {};
    Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};



cpf.validation.message=Cpf {cpf} é inválido

My Validator: i'm using a context.buildConstraintViolationWithTemplate to customiza my message.

public boolean isValid(String value, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {

    String cpf = value;

    boolean result = ValidationUtil.validaCpf(cpf);
    if (result) {
        return true;

    return false;


How can I pass the validated value(cpf) by parameter when the message is created?


  • When working with Hibernate Validator >= 4.2 you can reference the validated value via ${validatedValue} in your messages (in Bean Validation 1.1 that's standardized in the spec):

    cpf.validation.message=Cpf ${validatedValue} é inválido

    Btw. Hibernate Validator already comes with a @CPF constraint, you can find out more in the reference guide. Would be very glad to hear about how that works for you.