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Can't configure knockout validation

I'm trying to configure knockout validation, but my settings seem to be getting ignored. This is how I'm trying to configure it

var knockoutValidationSettings = {
    insertMessages: true,
    decorateElement: true,
    errorMessageClass: 'error',
    errorElementClass: 'error',
    errorClass: 'error',
    errorsAsTitle: true,
    parseInputAttributes: false,
    messagesOnModified: true,
    decorateElementOnModified: true,
    decorateInputElement: true

ko.applyBindings(vm, $('#dropzone')[0]);

I know the options object isn't the problem because this works perfectly

var knockoutValidationSettings = {
    insertMessages: true,
    decorateElement: true,
    errorMessageClass: 'error',
    errorElementClass: 'error',
    errorClass: 'error',
    errorsAsTitle: true,
    parseInputAttributes: false,
    messagesOnModified: true,
    decorateElementOnModified: true,
    decorateInputElement: true

ko.applyBindingsWithValidation(vm, $('#dropzone')[0], knockoutValidationSettings);

How can I get the init function to work? Obviously I'd like to move this initialization to a single place at the root of my application.


  • It seems that the validation plugin has been already initialized by the time you call ko.validation.init.

    So you need to pass in true as the second argument to force the initialization to use the new configuration:

    ko.validation.init(knockoutValidationSettings, true);

    What can initialize the validation plugin?

    • any call to ko.applyBindings or ko.applyBindingsWithValidation
    • any call to ko.validation.init or ko.validation.configure

    The ko.applyBindingsWithValidation version works because it updates the configuration - under the covers - even if the plugin has been already initialized.