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Shifting/aligning/rotating a circular buffer to zero in-place

I'm using a circular buffer to push data onto either end of a list. After I'm done I want to align the buffer so the first element in the list is at position zero and can be used like a regular array without any fancy indexing overhead.

So I have my circular list with capacity N, it has n elements starting at arbitrary index f.

enter image description here

What's the fastest way to shift/rotate all the elements such that f = 0?

The catch is I want to do this in-place (though of course some registers/temporaries will be needed). The buffer may be full (n = N), [EDIT] but I'm also interested in efficiently handling the cases where it's nearly empty.


  • This algorithm taken from the std::rotate implementation on is quite nice:

    template <class ForwardIterator>
      void rotate (ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator middle,
                   ForwardIterator last)
      ForwardIterator next = middle;
      while (first!=next)
        swap (*first++,*next++);
        if (next==last) next=middle;
        else if (first==middle) middle=next;