I have successfully created parent child project in Jenkins using Parameterized Build Plugin but the problem i faced is when i am attaching logs to our team whenever a build fail.
The email-ext plugin is sending email with build log of parent project which is just a calling project and not the logs of child project.
Any help is highly appreciated.
Ok so i got the solution. I need to discard the Pramaeterized plugin but now is using the Build flow Plugin [https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Build+Flow+Plugin]
The benefit is it is giving me the log to be placed in the parent job without any modification in the child project.
the usage is as follows:
def today = new Date()
out.println '----------------- Build Started At '+ today+ '----------------------------'
today=new Date()
out.println '-------- Build Log -------------- '
out.println b.log
out.println '----------------- Build Ended At '+ today+ '----------------------------'
This way i have full control and when i attach the log then i am attaching the original log in my email :)
I hope it will help many.