I would like create a cache object with a factory, for a multiple tables. Each cache has their own life time which are different to one another. For example, lifetime for City object is about a year, and lifetime for facility list object is about 1 day.
This below is my cache class
public abstract class CacheAbstract<E, I, C> {
private Long timestamp;
private Class<E> entityClass;
private Class<I> idClass;
private Class<C> cacheClass;
protected Integer TTL = 60; // In minutes. defaults to 60 mins
private Map<I, C> cache;
private Timer timer;
public CacheAbstract(Class<E> entityClass, Class<I> idClass, Class<C> cacheClass) {
this.entityClass = entityClass;
this.idClass = idClass;
this.cacheClass = cacheClass;
public Boolean isExpired() {
return (this.timestamp + TTL * 60000) < new Date().getTime();
private void verifyCache() {
if (this.cache == null || isExpired()) {
private void onTimer() {
this.timer = new Timer();
timer.schedule(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //What should I do here? I can't call this class' load(), can I?;
}, this.TTL * 60000);
public void load() {
// Load all data here
this.timestamp = new Date().getTime();
public C get(I id) {
return this.cache.get(id);
public List<C> getAll() {
List<C> list = new ArrayList<>(this.cache.values());
return list;
protected abstract C transform(E entity);
protected abstract I getID(E entity);
public abstract String getName();
this class is not a singleton, and will be instantiated by a factory., let's say, CacheFactory
public final class CacheFactory {
private Map<String, CacheAbstract> caches;
private CacheFactory() {
public void registerCache(CacheAbstract cache) {
if (caches == null) {
caches = new HashMap<>();
if (caches.containsKey(cache.getName())) {
} else {
this.caches.put(cache.getName(), cache);
public CacheAbstract getCache(String name) throws ExceptionInvalidCacheName {
if (caches.containsKey(name)) {
return caches.get(name);
} else {
throw new ExceptionInvalidCacheName("KOLOM SERVER [cache]: Cache '" + name + "' not registered");
public Boolean isExist(String name) {
return caches.containsKey(name);
public List<String> getNames() {
return new ArrayList<>(caches.keySet());
public static CacheFactory getInstance() {
return CacheFactoryHolder.INSTANCE;
private static class CacheFactoryHolder {
private static final CacheFactory INSTANCE = new CacheFactory();
Now, how I can implement algorithm to let CacheAbstract to refresh itself when needed?
Yes, you can simply call load()
private void onTimer() {
timer = new Timer();
timer.schedule(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
load(); // Call the containing class method
}, TTL * 60000);
because every anonymous class is actually also an inner class, so it has a reference to the containing class that declares it.
But, you would only use a Timer if you really wanted active expiration. You already have lazy expiration due to the call to verifyCache()
in every call to get()
. Maybe that's enough for your needs now.