I have a requirement for a test to make a call to one REST endpoint that generates a security token then make a second to the actual system under test. In order to do this I am using smartrics.rest.fitnesse.fixture.RestFixture and setting the baseurl in instantiation to the first base. I am trying to make this call and then set the new baseurl to the new location but am having trouble doing so.
It appears from perusing the code that there is a method setBaseUrl(Url url) but I cannot find an example of using this and am failing trying to figure it out myself.
Has anyone had any luck with this or is there another, better/easier way to achieve this?
The problem lies in RestFixture:processRow - since it uses Java reflection, it attempts to call method without parameters. This will fail since setBaseUrl accepts one argument (Url). I have tried one modification, though not the best way to achieve it - current code RestFixture v3.0 (RestFixture.processRow()):
method1 = getClass().getMethod(methodName);
Modified code in RestFixture.processRow():
Method[] methods = getClass().getMethods();
int i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < methods.length; i++){
method1 = methods[i];
Class[] paramTypes = method1.getParameterTypes();
List<Object> params = new ArrayList<Object>();
for(i = 0; i < paramTypes.length; i++){
String cellText = row.getCell(i+1).text();
Object param = paramTypes[i].getConstructor(String.class).newInstance(cellText);
method1.invoke(this, params.toArray());
Once this modification is done (you might need to add required imports - java.lang.InstantiationException, java.lang.Object, java.util.ArrayList; and an exception handler for InstantiationException), re-build the RestFixture and that should work.