I am a big fan of the angularUI slider that has been created without jQuery and have been using it. I need to use it within an angularUI modal however and it would appear that the modal background is interfering with the slider background (i.e. overriding it).
I have created a plunker to demonstrate the issue: http://plnkr.co/edit/FIGIvIE5bfm53tlWVR7R?p=preview
Any suggestions for how to get the slider to display correctly in the modal would be much appreciated! Thanks.
This has been solved via the addition of the following CSS:
.ui-slider-default ui-slider-thumb,
.ui-slider-default [ui-slider-thumb],
.ui-slider-default .ui-slider-thumb {
z-index: 1;
ui-slider:after, [ui-slider]:after, .ui-slider:after {
z-index: 0;
See plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/HPOAq0oV6GnE0JevuZI4?p=preview