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AngularUI Slider in an AngularUI Modal

I am a big fan of the angularUI slider that has been created without jQuery and have been using it. I need to use it within an angularUI modal however and it would appear that the modal background is interfering with the slider background (i.e. overriding it).

I have created a plunker to demonstrate the issue:

Any suggestions for how to get the slider to display correctly in the modal would be much appreciated! Thanks.


  • This has been solved via the addition of the following CSS:

    .ui-slider-default ui-slider-thumb, 
    .ui-slider-default [ui-slider-thumb], 
    .ui-slider-default .ui-slider-thumb {
      z-index: 1;
    ui-slider:after, [ui-slider]:after, .ui-slider:after {
      z-index: 0;

    See plunker: