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How to extract multiple structures from a string with boost::spirit

I have some complicated structures and i want to extract their data from a text using boost::spirit library (I've selected this one for efficiency purpose).

but i will ask my question in simpler way.

assume, we have two structures like these:

struct person 
   std::string name;
   uint8_t age; 


struct fruit
   std::string color;
   std::double average_weight;

and our text that included these data is presented below:

"... (jane, 23) (david, 19) (mary, 30) [yello,100] [green, 60.6] [red, 30.5]"

now, the problem is "extracting these data in suitable format"

for example by call handler for each struct or push_back them on vector.

any help would be greatly appreciated!

is there any code sample about that?!


  • call handlers for parsed structures.

    #include <string>
    #include <boost/fusion/adapted.hpp>
    #include <boost/spirit/home/qi.hpp>
    namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
    namespace ascii = boost::spirit::ascii;
    namespace phoenix = boost::phoenix;
    namespace fusion = boost::fusion;
    struct person
        std::string name;
        uint8_t age;
        (std::string, name)
        (uint8_t, age)
    struct fruit
        std::string color;
        double average_weight;
        (std::string, color)
        (double, average_weight)
    template <typename _Iterator>
    struct parser : 
        qi::grammar<_Iterator, void(), ascii::space_type>
        parser() :
            main = 
                    _person[ ([](const person &person_)
                                // Add handler here
                            }) ]
                    | _fruit[ ([](const fruit &fruit_)
                                // Add handler here
                            }) ]
            _person = qi::lit('(') >> *(qi::char_ - ',') >> ',' >> qi::ushort_ >> ')';
            _fruit = qi::lit('[') >> *(qi::char_ - ',') >> ',' >> qi::double_ >> ']';
        qi::rule<_Iterator, void(), ascii::space_type> main;
        qi::rule<_Iterator, person(), ascii::space_type> _person;
        qi::rule<_Iterator, fruit(), ascii::space_type> _fruit;
    int main()
        typedef std::string::const_iterator iterator;
        std::string input_ = "(jane, 23000) (david, 19) (mary, 30) [yello,100] [green, 60.6] [red, 30.5]";
        iterator iterator_ = std::begin(input_);
        bool result_ = qi::phrase_parse(iterator_, iterator(std::end(input_)),  parser<iterator>(), ascii::space)
            && iterator_ == std::end(input_);
        return 0;

    P.S. Not all compiler can build that code because of lambdas in semantic actions. (msvs don't) In this case you have to use something else (phoenix::bind for example)

    store parsed structures in a vector

    typedef boost::variant <
    > variant;
    template <typename _Iterator>
    struct parser : 
        qi::grammar<_Iterator, std::vector < variant > (), ascii::space_type>
        parser() :
            main = *(_person | _fruit);
            _person = qi::lit('(') >> *(qi::char_ - ',') >> ',' >> qi::ushort_ >> ')';
            _fruit = qi::lit('[') >> *(qi::char_ - ',') >> ',' >> qi::double_ >> ']';
        qi::rule<_Iterator, std::vector < variant > (), ascii::space_type> main;
        qi::rule<_Iterator, person(), ascii::space_type> _person;
        qi::rule<_Iterator, fruit(), ascii::space_type> _fruit;