I'm developing a android application with google maps v2 that draw polygons on the google maps. But now i have to identify a click on a certain polygon and popup a window.
I found this useful library on github
This library has the method containsLocation implemented. This method receives a LatLng (from click on the map) and a List (the polygon). This is fine but if i have 1 million polygon in the map i cant iterate all and test if a certain LatLng belongs to a certain Polygon. I remember that i can use a quadtree to get more performance and this library also implements a quadtree but it uses point. What is the best way of doing this? May i have to reimplement this quadtree for a quadtree of LatLng ? Or in each click i have to convert this click to a point and search on a point quadtree?
I think you need to implement a quadtree that stores the polygons, then query the tree to see which polygon (if any) contains the LatLng. If you search around I'm sure you can find a decent implementation.