I've defined a series of GridLenghts as a resource in my WPF Window:
<w:GridLength x:Key="ScrollBarRowHeight">17</w:GridLength>
Since this scrollbar height is variable dependent on the operating system used, I'd like to refactor this line of code to use the static parameter value SystemParameters.HorizontalScrollBarHeight.
I've tried both these lines:
<w:GridLength x:Key="ScrollBarRowHeight"><DynamicResource Key="{x:Static System.Windows.SystemParameters.CaptionHeightKey}" /></w:GridLength>
<w:GridLength x:Key="ScrollBarRowHeight"><x:Static x:Key="System.Windows.SystemParameters.HorizontalScrollBarHeight" /></w:GridLength>
Resulting both in the same compile-time error:
Cannot add content to object of type 'System.Windows.GridLength'.
Thanks in advance!
I'm wondering why don't you just use the SystemParameters.HorizontalScrollBarHeight
value directly in your XAML, instead of trying to duplicate its value? (Added from comment)
On the SystemParameters.HorizontalScrollBarHeight
page that you provided a link to, there is a code example which shows you exactly how to use the various SystemParameters
properties in both XAML and code:
<Button FontSize="8" Margin="10, 10, 5, 5" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="5"
Height="{x:Static SystemParameters.CaptionHeight}"
Width="{x:Static SystemParameters.IconGridWidth}">
Button btncsharp = new Button();
btncsharp.Content = "SystemParameters";
btncsharp.FontSize = 8;
btncsharp.Background = SystemColors.ControlDarkDarkBrush;
btncsharp.Height = SystemParameters.CaptionHeight;
btncsharp.Width = SystemParameters.IconGridWidth;
From the linked page:
In XAML, you can use the members of SystemParameters as either a static property usage, or a dynamic resource references (with the static property value as the key). Use a dynamic resource reference if you want the system based value to update automatically while the application runs; otherwise, use a static reference. Resource keys have the suffix Key appended to the property name.
So if you want the values to update while the application is running, then you should be able to use these properties in a Binding
like this:
<Button FontSize="8" Margin="10, 10, 5, 5" Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="5"
Height="{Binding Source={x:Static SystemParameters.CaptionHeight}}"
Width="{Binding Source={x:Static SystemParameters.IconGridWidth}}">
You should also be able to use it as a DynamicResource
in this way:
Property="{DynamicResource {x:Static SystemParameters.CaptionHeight}}"