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Stata - command to return filepath or location of do-file

I am puzzling over this today--it is possible to dynamically set the working directory in Stata using a command in a do-file? For example (on PC at least), you can set the directory in the command line based on the location of the file you are running using:


So a command such as the following at the beginning of a batch file will automatically set the directory to the location of where the batch file is saved:

cd %cd%

Which works really well across users. Is there any way to do the same for a do-file (detect/output to local variable the location of where the open do-file is saved on the machine running it)? The idea is to get a smoother version of the following, which detects the proper user path when multiple users are synced to a Dropbox folder and the particular filepath is not the same across users:

#delim ; 
if "`c(username)'"=="Steve" { ; cd "C:/Users/Steve/Documents/My Dropbox/ProjectName/" ; }; 
else if "`c(username)'"=="otherperson" {; cd "/Users/otherpersonusingmac/ProjectName/";};
else if "`c(username)'"=="anotherperson" {; cd "/anotherpersonsDropboxfilepath/ProjectName/";};
# delim cr ;



  • I don't think there's one-step solution, but you could add global macro definitions to the files on each machine. For example, add the following to your file.

    global DROPBOX "C:/Users/richa_000/Dropbox"
    global SKYDRIVE "C:/Users/richa_000/SkyDrive"

    Then use these macros to cd in your scripts.

    . cd $DROPBOX
    . cd $SKYDRIVE

    Specify the correct path on each machine's file.