i need to return the content of this page http://service.semanticproxy.com/processurl/ftfu27m3k66dvc3r43bzfneh/html/http://www.smallbiztechnology.com/archive/2013/12/why-creating-a-digital-storefront-is-crucial-for-your-small-business.html but when i call this function
function getResult() {
var url="http://service.semanticproxy.com/processurl/ftfu27m3k66dvc3r43bzfneh/html/http://www.smallbiztechnology.com/archive/2013/12/why-creating-a-digital-storefront-is-crucial-for-your-small-business.html";
cache: true,
url: url,
success: function (result) {
I got this in firebug:
segment.min.js (ligne 1) GET http://service.semanticproxy.com/processurl/ftfu...orefront-is-crucial-for-your-small-business.html 200 OK 379msA.
Any idea how i can get the content of that page?
This code won't work for you. the reason is that the html page you are trying to retrieve is not a valid JAVASCRIPT file (and you also can't use jsonp because it is not returning any json string.)
Your solution is to use a server script (such as php:
<?Php print file_get_contents(url); ?>
OR - if the website is yours , add a response to the script on request.