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Seamless jQuery Marquee?

Is it possible to create a 100% seamless marquee in jQuery (or just javascript but jQuery prefered)?

I've made a simple marquee that moves left until it is off the screen then simply jumps (when out of view) to the right and starts again. However I would love it to not have the wait.

The only way I could think of doing this would be to duplicate the text and put it after the first text, then swap them round again. However I have no idea how to implement this in jQuery, I've been looking at jQuery's .clone() but can't get it working correctly, everything jumps.

Any ideas?

Thanks for your time,


  • Given the following markup:

    <div id="marquee">My Text</div>

    For the duplication, I'd do something like this:

    $("#marquee").wrapInner("span"); // wrap "My Text" with a new span
    $("#marquee").append($("#marquee span").clone().hide()); // now there are two spans with "My Text"

    Moving and swapping the spans is pretty easy. Here's a fully functional example:

    $(function() {
        var marquee = $("#marquee"); 
        marquee.css({"overflow": "hidden", "width": "100%"});
        // wrap "My Text" with a span (old versions of IE don't like divs inline-block)
        marquee.find("span").css({ "width": "50%", "display": "inline-block", "text-align":"center" }); 
        marquee.append(marquee.find("span").clone()); // now there are two spans with "My Text"
        // create an inner div twice as wide as the view port for animating the scroll
        marquee.find("div").css("width", "200%");
        // create a function which animates the div
        // $.animate takes a callback for when the animation completes
        var reset = function() {
            $(this).css("margin-left", "0%");
            $(this).animate({ "margin-left": "-100%" }, 3000, 'linear', reset);
        // kick it off"div"));

    See it in action.


    I don't recommend this for any professional website. However, it might be useful if you're trying to reproduce a retro 1990's look.