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Specifying a digit in cucumber feature file

Question may sound novice. But here i am everytime i try writing iphone5 in my cucumber feature file it parameterises the 5. I dont want this to happen and want it to just treat iphone5 as a string.

The line in my feature file causing this is: Then upload iPhone5 image "xxxx.png"

which then gets following step definition:

@And("^then upload iPhone(\\d+) image \"([^\"]*)\"$")
public void then_upload_iPhone_image(int arg1, String arg2) throws Throwable {
    // Express the Regexp above with the code you wish you had
    throw new PendingException();


  • Just remove regex for the digit and remove the parameter from the method.

    @Given("^I upload to iphone5$")
    public void I_upload_to_iphone() throws Throwable {
        // Express the Regexp above with the code you wish you had
        throw new PendingException();

    in your case

    @And("^then upload iPhone5 image \"([^\"]*)\"$")
    public void then_upload_iPhone_image(String arg2) throws Throwable {
        // Express the Regexp above with the code you wish you had
        throw new PendingException();