I am using JfreeChart 1.0.15 library.
I want to show percentage score of the college and branches, so I used setNumberFormatOverride()
final NumberAxis valueAxis = new NumberAxis("Percentage Score");
It is showing me the %
sign on the Y-axis
but all the values are getting multiplied by 100.
See the Y-axis
values. Label values on the bars are correct.
If I divide each value by 100 then Y-axis
values are correct (e.g. 15%,19%,25%,27%) but label values are displaying wrong (e.g. 0.15,0.19,0.25,0.27).
Below code also won't give the desired output
DecimalFormat pctFormat = new DecimalFormat("#.0%");
I tried different solutions from
none of them worked.
If you need more information let me know.
Thanks @Keppil. I managed to solve from your valuable comment
I was using below code to set label
barPlot.getRenderer().setBaseItemLabelGenerator(new StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator());
The mistake was invoking default constructor StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator()
See question labels are not in percent %
I solved by passing NumberFormat
instance pctFormat
to the parameterized constructor StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator(java.lang.String labelFormat, java.text.NumberFormat formatter)
barPlot.getRenderer().setBaseItemLabelGenerator(new StandardCategoryItemLabelGenerator("{2}",pctFormat));
Now format has been applied to the labels also.