I am converting existing code into template code since it is much cleaner, I am using Mustache
as my choice of template engine. I am having trouble getting the below code to work I have included both the old working code and the new Mustache code. The problem is that the div is not being created at all and it just places a <
inside of the DealerInfo
This is the converted code:
for(i=0; i< markers.length; i++) {
var testContent = Mustache.render("<div class='{{info_content}}'><h3>{{dealerName}}</h3>" +
"<p>{{address}}<br/>{{city}}, {{state}} {{zip}}<br/>" +
"<a href='{{href}}'>{{hrefTitle}}</a></p></div>", {
info_content: "info_content",
dealerName: markers[i][3],
address: markers[i][2],
city: markers[i][4],
state: markers[i][5],
zip: markers[i][8],
href: markers[i][6]
This is the old code:
for(i=0; i< markers.length; i++) {
var testContent = ['<div class="info_content">' + '<h3>' + markers[i][3] + '</h3>' + '<p>' + markers[i][2] + '<BR />' + markers[i][4] + ', ' + markers[i][5] + ' ' + markers[i][8] + '</p>' + '<BR /> <a href="' + markers[i][6] +'">' + markers[i][6] +'</a>' +'</div>'];
This is how I am getting the info to output into the div:
Your problem is:
In your new code, you are making an array of strings, so infoWindowContent[i][0]
gives you the 1st character in the string created via Mustache.render
should do the trick. By the way, you can pass an array to Mustache and have it iterate over the items.