I have two columns. One with the dates, and other with the counts. It looks like this:
Stamp:.................... Views
13-12-2013 9:00.... 2
13-12-2013 9:00.... 8
13-12-2013 10:00... 4
14-12-2013 10:00... 4
14-12-2013 10:00... 11
When I consolidate this, I get weird values like this:
41621,375 8
41621,41667 4
41622,41667 11
It seems that Excel is calculating the dates. I would like to prevent that. I searched the whole internet for any solutions, but found no final answer.
I got consolidate to work on data with dates. But I needed to make a new tab with formulas that refer to the original tab. So I would start by making a new tab with the headings of:
Then, under the Views heading, add a formula (in B2) referencing the data in the original tab's B2:
='<original tab name>'!B2
Then drag that formula down as far as you need to so all the data is present. Then, under the Stamp (text) heading, add a formula (in A2) to convert the date data to text:
=TEXT('<original tab name'!A2,"dd-mm-yyyy H:MM")
Once again, drag that formula down as far as you need to so all the data is present. Then consolidate on the new tab. I did the following:
The correct consolidated data is inserted at D1.
I used this link as a reference for how to use the text formula.
I hope this helps!