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Radgrid exports data as hyperlinks for pdf/excel

As stated in the title, when exporting data from a radgrid it exports said data to hyperlinks within the pdf/excel document. However, when exporting to csv/word it exports it as plain text.

Below is the declaration of my grid with all the settings used to export the data

<telerik:RadGrid ID="grdSummary" runat="server" AllowSorting="True" 
AutoGenerateColumns="False" CellSpacing="0" GridLines="None" 
height="150px" Width="99%" OnItemCommand="grdSummary_ItemCommand" >

<clientsettings allowcolumnsreorder="True" reordercolumnsonclient="True">
<selecting allowrowselect="True" /><scrolling allowscroll="true"
 usestaticheaders="false" />

<ExportSettings HideStructureColumns="true"></ExportSettings>
<mastertableview Width="100%" CommandItemDisplay="Top">

<CommandItemSettings ShowExportToWordButton="true" ShowExportToCsvButton="true" 
 ShowExportToPdfButton="true" ShowExportToExcelButton="true" 
ShowAddNewRecordButton="False" ShowRefreshButton="False">

And when calling the actual function for executing the export command, I have:

protected void grdSummary_ItemCommand(object sender, GridCommandEventArgs e)
        if (e.CommandName == Telerik.Web.UI.RadGrid.ExportToCsvCommandName)

        if (e.CommandName == Telerik.Web.UI.RadGrid.ExportToWordCommandName)

        if (e.CommandName == Telerik.Web.UI.RadGrid.ExportToPdfCommandName)

        if (e.CommandName == Telerik.Web.UI.RadGrid.ExportToExcelCommandName)


  • Turns out that the columns were set as gridtemplatecolumn instead of using gridboundcolumn, which then in turn resulted in the hyperlink exports