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C# DbDataReader double loop

I am trying to create XML with the following structure:


I have a.o. two tables in my database:

  • subschema with as columns ID and Name
  • subschemamembers with as columns subschemaID and locusID.

I have the following C# code:

        XElement rootNode = new XElement("ResponseSubschemas", new XElement("organism", organismID));

        DbDataReader subschemaReader = conn.Query("SELECT ID, Name FROM subschema WHERE OrganismID = ?", organismDbID);
        while (subschemaReader.Read())
            string subschemaDbID = (string)subschemaReader["ID"];
            XElement subschemaNode = new XElement("Subschema",
                new XElement("id", subschemaDbID),
                new XElement("name", subschemaReader["Name"])


        responseXml = rootNode.ToString();

Which creates the following partial XML:


Now I need to add for each Subschema node a loci node, loop over the loci and add them. I tried creating a new DbDataReader inside the while loop, but then i got errors like: There is already an open DataReader associated with this Connection which must be closed first. So, how do I do this?


Trying to go with the JOIN approach, I have crafted the following SQL:

SELECT subschema.Id, as subschemaName, locus.Name as locusName
FROM subschema 
LEFT JOIN subschemamembers ON subschemamembers.SubSchemaID = subschema.PrimKey
LEFT JOIN locus ON subschemamembers.LocusID = locus.ID
WHERE  subschema.OrganismID = 6
ORDER BY subschema.Id;

Which gives the following output:

Id      subschemaName  locusName
MLST    MLST           LMO0558
MLST    MLST           LMO0563
MLVST   MLVST          LMO1305
MLVST   MLVST          LMO1089

but I still can't figure out how I would keep track of "whether the current db row points to a different subschemaDbID".


  • The easy way out that will make your solution work is to enable MARS (Multiple Active Result Sets):

    To do it without enabling MARS, you would have to make a JOIN query fetching both subschema and subschemamembers and inside your XML creation code you need to keep track of whether the current db row points to a different subschemaDbID.