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Xcode 5: "No such provisioning profile was found ..." error

I'm trying to distribute a new version of the app (it can be installed OTA) and I got the error:

"Code Sign error: No matching provisioning profile found: Your build settings specify a provisioning profile with the UUID “AdHocProfile”, however, no such provisioning profile was found. " and Xcode gets stuck in the process of automatically fix the error: automatic fix

I have spent a lot of hours in the weekend looking for a solution here and on the internet, only to get rid of one of the two errors I got when I tried to archive the app to distribute it "Ad Hoc".

I made some capture screens to clarify what I've done:

Provisioning profile at Developer site:

member center

My account: certificates and profiles:


Project Settings:


Target Settings (Xcode changed them when I deleted the line PROVISIONING_PROFILE in project.pbxproj):

target settings

I deleted the line containing PROVISIONING_PROFILE in project.pbxproj, following the directions found in posts similar to this


I also removed both the stable and the beta versions of Xcode and reinstalled it from the App Store. Don't know if it's important, but I removed the beta 5.1.3 with App Cleaner, deleting all the files associated to it.

Since Xcode does not longer show the values on the popup to choose certificates, I am not sure if I choose the correct ones.

Could you please help me to solve this issue?


  • Well, I solved this issue going back to a previous version stored in Time Machine, deleting all certificates and profiles both on Developer website and computer, deleted files in ~Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles and the certificates stored in Keychain Access. Also checked in project.pbxproj that no PROVISIONING_PROFILE was set.

    Then, I loaded the old version in Xcode and I was able to build and archive it.

    After that, the newest version worked again.

    By the way, if you try to distribute an app to a device running iOS 7.1, read this