I want to run clustering lda cvb job using mahout CVB0Driver API. But I don't know how to print the results. Here is my codes.
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.jobcontrol.Job;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner;
import org.apache.mahout.clustering.lda.cvb.CVB0Driver;
import org.apache.mahout.common.AbstractJob;
import org.apache.mahout.common.HadoopUtil;
import org.apache.mahout.text.SequenceFilesFromDirectory;
import org.apache.mahout.utils.vectors.RowIdJob;
import org.apache.mahout.utils.vectors.VectorDumper;
import org.apache.mahout.vectorizer.SparseVectorsFromSequenceFiles;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class LDAJob extends AbstractJob {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Job.class);
static int numTopics = 20;
static double doc_topic_smoothening = 0.0001;
static double term_topic_smoothening = 0.0001;
static int maxIter = 10;
static int iteration_block_size = 10;
static double convergenceDelta = 0;
static float testFraction = 0.0f;
static int numTrainThreads = 4;
static int numUpdateThreads = 1;
static int maxItersPerDoc = 10;
static int numReduceTasks = 10;
static boolean backfillPerplexity = false;
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
// String baseFileLocation = args[0];
String baseFileLocation = "/Users/pin/java";
Path output = new Path(baseFileLocation, "/output");
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
HadoopUtil.delete(conf, output);
String[] ldaArgs = { "-DbaseFileLocation=" + baseFileLocation };
// String[] strings =
// {"-Dmapred.input.dir=VectorFile/tfidf-vectors/part-r-00000"};
ToolRunner.run(new LDAJob(), ldaArgs);
public int run(String[] arg0) throws Exception {
Configuration conf = getConf();
// String baseFileLocation = "/Users/pin/java";
String baseFileLocation = conf.get("baseFileLocation");
Path input = new Path(baseFileLocation, "/reuters-out");
String seqFileOutput = "SeqFile";
String vectorOutFile = "VectorFile";
String rowIDOutFile = "RowIdOutput";
String ldaOutputFile = "topicModelOutputPath";
String dictionaryFileName = vectorOutFile + "/dictionary.file-0";
String tempLDAModelFile = "modelTempPath";
String docTopicOutput = "docTopicOutputPath";
String topicTermVectorDumpPath = "topicTermVectorDump";
String docTopicVectorDumpPath = "docTopicVectorDump";
// String topicTermVectorDump = "topicTermVectorDump";
log.info("Deleting all the previous files.");
HadoopUtil.delete(conf, new Path(seqFileOutput));
HadoopUtil.delete(conf, new Path(vectorOutFile));
HadoopUtil.delete(conf, new Path(rowIDOutFile));
HadoopUtil.delete(conf, new Path(ldaOutputFile));
HadoopUtil.delete(conf, new Path(docTopicOutput));
HadoopUtil.delete(conf, new Path(tempLDAModelFile));
HadoopUtil.delete(conf, new Path(topicTermVectorDumpPath));
HadoopUtil.delete(conf, new Path(docTopicVectorDumpPath));
// S3FileSystem.
log.info("Step1: convert the directory into seqFile.");
System.out.println("starting dir to seq job");
String[] dirToSeqArgs = { "--input", input.toString(), "--output",
seqFileOutput };
ToolRunner.run(new SequenceFilesFromDirectory(), dirToSeqArgs);
System.out.println("finished dir to seq job");
log.info("Step 2: converting the seq to vector.");
System.out.println("starting seq To Vector job");
String[] seqToVectorArgs = { "--input", seqFileOutput, "--output",
vectorOutFile, "--maxDFPercent", "70", "--maxNGramSize", "2",
"--namedVector", "--analyzerName",
"org.apache.lucene.analysis.WhitespaceAnalyzer" };
ToolRunner.run(new SparseVectorsFromSequenceFiles(), seqToVectorArgs);
System.out.println("finished seq to vector job");
log.info("Step3: convert SequenceFile<Text, VectorWritable> to SequenceFile<IntWritable, VectorWritable>");
System.out.println("starting rowID job");
String[] rowIdArgs = {
"-Dmapred.input.dir=" + vectorOutFile
+ "/tfidf-vectors/part-r-00000",
"-Dmapred.output.dir=" + rowIDOutFile };
ToolRunner.run(new RowIdJob(), rowIdArgs);
System.out.println("finished rowID job");
log.info("Step4: Run the LDA algo");
System.out.println("starting caluclulating the number of terms");
//int numTerms = getNumTerms(new Path(dictionaryFileName));
System.out.println("finished calculating the number of terms");
long seed = System.nanoTime() % 10000;
System.out.println("starting the CVB job");
CVB0Driver.run(conf, new Path(rowIDOutFile + "/matrix"), new Path(
ldaOutputFile), numTopics, 0, doc_topic_smoothening,
term_topic_smoothening, maxIter, iteration_block_size,
convergenceDelta, new Path(dictionaryFileName), new Path(
docTopicOutput), new Path(tempLDAModelFile), seed,
testFraction, numTrainThreads, numUpdateThreads,
maxItersPerDoc, numReduceTasks, backfillPerplexity);
//String[] runArgs ={};
System.out.println("finished the cvb job");
log.info("Step5: vectordump topic-term");
System.out.println("starting the vector dumper for topic term");
String[] topicTermDumperArg = {"--seqFile", ldaOutputFile+"/part-m-00000", "--dictionary",
dictionaryFileName, "-dt", "sequencefile" };
//ToolRunner.run(new Configuration(), new CustomVectorDumper(), topicTermDumperArg);
//String[] topicTermDumperArg = {"--input", ldaOutputFile, "--output", topicTermVectorDumpPath, "--dictionary",
// dictionaryFileName, "-dt", "sequencefile" ,"--vectorSize", "25" ,"-sort", "testsortVectors" };
//String[] topicTermDumperArg = {"-seq"};
System.out.println("finisher the vector dumper for topicterm");
//System.out.println("starting the vector dumper for doctopic dumper");
//String[] docTopicDumperArg = {"--input", docTopicOutput, "--output", docTopicVectorDumpPath};
//ToolRunner.run(new Configuration(), new CustomVectorDumper(), docTopicDumperArg);
System.out.println("finsiher the vector dumper for doctopic dumper");
//printLdaResults(ldaOutputFile, numTerms);
//MongoDumper dumper = new MongoDumper();
return 0;
the program stucks when running to VectorDumper.main(topicTermDumperArg);
I use mahout-core-0.7,mahout-utils-0.5, to download the news resources click here
I am using Mahout 0.9, and the following works for me:
VectorDumper.main(new String[]
{ "-i",
OUTPUT_DIR + "/topic-term-dist/part-m-00000", "-o",
OUTPUT_DIR + "/results", "-d",
OUTPUT_DIR + "/dictionary.file-0", "-dt", "sequencefile",
"-sort", "true", "-vs", "20" });
Above, OUTPUT_DIR is a folder where I run the LDA job. It prints the top 20 terms per topic.