I installed successfully js-beautify and I am using it from within xemacs on Debian Linux. By default, when formatting a string concatenated line, I get the following:
var astr = "head of string" + avarstring + ...
I cannot find how to configure the auto-formatting of a string to respect the following indentations:
var astr = "head of string"
+ avarstring
+ ...
I do not really care about having the +
sign at the end of each line or
at the beginning, but I really need, for readability and maintenance activities,
to have each separated substring to be on a single line.
Solution found:
A new option was added a few month ago (but does not seem to be released in the npm package
downloaded by default).
Option is present in the github: motzke/js-beautify
Option is named: wrap_before_operator
The most simple configuration directory location is in the npm
directories (in my case): /usr/local/lib/node_modules/js-beautify/js/config/defaults.json